Red Barn Pack — Review
Red Barn Pack — Review

The Red Barn Pack introduces a picturesque array of 16 placeable structures, drawing inspiration from classic red barn designs. Among these structures are various sheds, two silos, a workshop, and a charming windmill, all meticulously crafted to enhance the visual appeal of any farm.

This comprehensive pack caters to the diverse needs of farm management, providing accommodations for all types of livestock. The "CowBarn" boasts space for 500 cows, while the "Sheep Barn" comfortably houses 75 sheep, and the "Pig Barn" accommodates up to 150 pigs. Each barn is equipped with bale triggers for easy access to straw and hay, along with an automatic water supply system, streamlining the daily tasks of animal care.

In version 1.2, the developers have focused on refining the user experience. Unnecessary occlusion in one of the red barns has been removed, ensuring a more seamless and immersive gameplay environment. Additionally, adjustments to light parameters have been made to enhance performance, accompanied by minor XML fixes to further optimize functionality.

The Red Barn Pack is a testament to the dedication of FSG Modding and FSG TAZ_MAN in delivering high-quality content to the Farming Simulator community. With its attention to detail and user-friendly features, this pack elevates the farming experience to new heights, making it a must-have addition for virtual farmers everywhere.

Our Rating: 5 / 5 Stars

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