Answers to frequently asked questions.
What is ModsUpload.com?
ModsUpload.com is an online platform where you can share your content with others and also you can download mods. We also offer monetization options, allowing you to earn points by sharing your digital creations.
How can I monetize my content?
Simply register on our website, and you can start sharing your content. You can also contribute comments to our reviews and engage in discussions. We offer the opportunity to earn points by sharing content, which you can then redeem for rewards.
How can I redeem points?
You can redeem your points once you reach the minimum threshold. We offer various options for your convenience, allowing you to redeem your points securely and conveniently.
How long does it take for a withdrawal to be processed?
Withdrawals are typically processed within 7 - 10 days, but please note that processing times may vary and could take longer or shorter depending on various factors.
Is there a referral program?
Yes, we are excited to offer a referral program. With this, you'll earn 10% of your referral's income. Your unique referral link can be found on the Referral tab in the right column block after logging into your account.
What type of content is allowed on our platform?
Only content related to games, modifications, and comments on reviews is permitted for posting on our website. We prohibit any other type of content.