Asphalt Improved — Review
Asphalt Improved — Review

When I decided to try out the new mod called Asphalt Improved, I wasn't sure what to expect. However, right after installing it, I was amazed by how incredible the new asphalt textures looked. The author has replaced the standard textures in the game with enhanced ones in perfect 4K resolution. Entire original map areas like the United Kingdom and the entire Going East DLC have been completely reworked. This change not only enhanced the game's appearance but also provided a whole new driving experience. The asphalt now looks just like in real life.

Another thing that caught my attention is that the mod is compatible with most map mods, meaning you can enjoy it without worrying about potential game crashes. If this review has piqued your interest, feel free to give it a try yourself, and you'll see that the game with the new asphalt textures will be completely different than before.

Our Rating: 4,5 / 5 Stars

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